Contact Us
related to our products or services.
If you require immediate assistance, please contact your nearest sales office.
For inquiries to individual companies within the Nippon Paint Group, please click here.
Frequently Asked Questions
I need a Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Requests for Safety Data Sheets are not accepted through the website. Please contact the store where you purchased the product.
I need a color sample book
You can purchase a color sample book from the Japan Paint Manufacturers Association’s website.
I need a product catalog
For products with available catalogs, you can view the PDF catalog on each product page on Japanese site.(Japanese Only)
Regarding our responses
Please note that inquiries received on weekends, holidays, year-end, and New Year holidays, as well as other company holidays, will be handled on the next business day or later.
A confirmation email will be automatically sent upon receipt of your inquiry. We strive to respond promptly, but please understand that it may take some time depending on the nature of the inquiry.
We cannot respond to inquiries for sales, solicitations, or other marketing purposes.
Privacy policy
Please read our privacy policy here regarding our handling of your personal information.
The information provided by customers may be used for our products, services, and activities.
Please refrain from making the entirety or part of our response to you widely available to others (such as publishing it on a website or forwarding it by email to a large number of people) without our permission.
This inquiry form supports SSL (Secure Socket Layer). SSL is a technology for encrypting information to communicate over the Internet, and your personal information will be protected by this technology.
Contact Us
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